We are always on the lookout for partners focused on bringing Blockchain adoption to Africa that would be of great aid to us to achieve our goals

Kindly reach out and let us know of how we can support each other to achieve the common goal - Blockchain adoption.

Kindly reach us via email

Kindly reach out and let us know of how we can support each other to achieve the common goal - Blockchain adoption.


We've partnered with Web3bridge to give Web3 and Blockchain development related knowledge to our community.

Web3Bridge is designed with the objectives of building a sustainable web3 Africa Community

The Director of Blockchain4U, Okechukwu Alvan Victor and his team are putting a lot of effort towards Blochkchain adoption in the school community

A1 Blockchain Hub provides the community with basic needs for newbies and bud developers

Ginakev Digital Academy has been of great help since the launch of the community. The CEO Okoye Kevin Chibuoyim and his team have been most supportive

The free programs they offer are very informative